Tuesday, February 12, 2019

First post

Hello Gilmore Family!

Welcome to my blog!  I plan to share, with you, my Gilmore family genealogy research, which I've been gathering since the year 2000.

In the past, I've been reluctant to share the information, because it took a lot of digging, time, and money to find it, and I just wasn't ready to give it away.  You see, back then, my Gilmore family's records were not online, except for the US Census.  So, I had to go to courthouses and libraries, write to government agencies for copies of records, and contact relatives to gather information that they knew about a family member.

In other words, my information on my Gilmore relatives does not come from Ancestry family trees.  Speaking of Ancestry family trees, be very skeptical of what you find on them.  Most of them are filled with wrong information!  So, I decided that the way to stamp out the proliferation of wrong information on my Gilmore family (which you'll run into on Ancestry), is for me to publish my correct (and documented) information on my Gilmore family.  You may use what you find here as long as you do not make any money from what I have shared with you......and as long as you copy it correctly!

Until next time.....
Sandy Gilmore